An aura is an energy field which surrounds us and conveys a lot of information about our mental and physical health. It may get weakened over time, due to many factors, of which many are in our control to change and improve! Learning how to repair and strengthen this energy shield can be truly life-changing.
There are ways you can strengthen your own personal aura, to act as a protector against negativity, or as a way to attract relationships or manifest abundance.
Background Information About Auras
The Aura is a subtle, ubiquitous energy that surrounds all entities and objects. Every entity has its own frequency around them that forms an electro-magnetic field of sorts. Our Aura surrounds us, permeating everything in its path. It’s a subtle energy that Nature has provided for each of us to help guide our way through life with intelligence and compassion.
We all know that certain people and things have an energy about them. We may have had the experience of interacting with someone who exudes a powerful presence positive or negative, and you can just feel it walking into a room. With people that have done a lot of energy work, you may feel an immediate sense of ease and comfort about them.
You can also get that from some crystals or other inanimate objects that have had energy work done with them. Or, if you are doing energy work it is a good idea to place crystals or other items around you as you are, because that energy will attach itself to all surrounding elements. Then when you feel like you need an extra boost one day you could take one of these objects and carry it around with you for the day.
This is also why you should have a ‘spot’ where you do your energy work, as over time this energy builds and can improve your experience and provide a very effective and powerful recharging space.
The Aura is Presented as a Colorful Energetic Field
The coloration of your personal electromagnetic field varies depending on what kind of life experiences make up who (or whatever) we are. Human beings seem to favor green while elves love gold for example; cats tend towards blue hues whereas dogs produce more red shades… the list goes on.
The human Aura is a battery for our physical health. It takes prana from the air, assimilates it and distributes through your nervous system to help you stay alive! The color of an individual’s Auras may change depending on what you’re feeling or thinking. For example red would represent anger while green signifies healing thoughts/feelings.
Are there times when you feel uncomfortable in crowded places? Are there moments when you feel as if your space is being invaded? Some people can only come so close to you. This is a reaction triggered by your aura. It’s possible that someone else’s aura is intruding upon yours.
You can feel this energy force in a room full of people, where varying energies, positive and negative, are being interchanged.
The aura is an extension of our energies, be it strong or weak, fair or otherwise, light and bright or dull and dense. It is a band of energy that surrounds us, a life energy that can be sensed around every living thing, plants, trees, animals, birds and people.
There are seven layers of aura, but the most accessible to the human perception are the first three layers surrounding the human body. Auras can be seen with the eyes wide open or it can also be seen psychically with the eyes closed.
Aura Color Meanings
Colors are an important aspect of aura reading. Below is a description of the meanings different colors hold. When reading auras be sure to always trust your intuition.
Black: This is a confusing color. There is nothing wrong with black in one’s aura. Black generally means one is shielding oneself from outside energies. This can also mean being unbalanced; one is hiding something or keeping secrets. A black ring usually indicates some form of abuse, adults who have not dealt with early abuse will carry this black ring till they are healed.
Blue: This comes in different shades. Gifted people have shades of blue in their aura. Intuitive people will show pale blue coloration within the purple bursting out like rays of sunshine, emanating from the heart outwards. A deeper blue can indicate loneliness. A very deep blue shows devotion, honesty and good judgment whereas muddier shades of blue indicates a domineering person or a tendency towards depression.
Brown: This color can indicate growth in a person. Seen around the head and with other colors emanating in combination, it indicates a person who is developing mentally, intuitively and organizing within. Brown by itself can indicate lack of energy, or one who has become “stagnant”.
Gold: Indicates lots of spiritual energy, in tune with oneself. Muddy gold means one has not really come to terms with one’s higher levels.
Yellow: Usually seen around a thinker, an analytical person. Could indicate a “balanced” person. Intelligent people show this color around their heads.
Green: Sympathetic to others, dependable and has healing abilities. Muddier shade could indicate jealousy- like “green with envy”.
Gray: Can indicate intuition and creativity. Silvery gray shows femininity while darker gray can mean secretiveness or physical imbalance.
Orange: Bright orange means one is growing emotionally and paranormally. A dull shade means a person is unsure how to accept this growth. Muddy orange shows in a person with too much pride.
Pink: The color of love, and honesty. It also depicts the quieter side of an artistic and creative person. Dark pink may indicate immaturity or changes with one’s love life. Dull pink, however, watch out; Someone is lying.
Purple: The color of intuition, a deeper purple hue shows a strong- willed and passionate person. It can also reflect intense erotic imagination and being over-bearing.
Red: A color of love or hate, strong emotions and a lot of energy. An intense red color, however, may indicate a person ready to fly off the handle.
Easy Steps to Cleansing and Improving Your Aura
1. Breathe Deeply and Meditate. Meditation not only helps you get out of your head and into the present moment, but also repairs any damage done to body by neglect. It will give energy levels a boost while promoting relaxation which makes meditation an excellent way for starting each morning! To focus during meditative state try selecting someone who inspires great feelings within us; they may be alive or deceased – whichever suits best–in order that their magnetism has maximum effect on achieving tranquility through self-discovery with them as guidepost along the journey towards enlightenment.
2. Get out in nature. The earth is a great place to heal and recharge. This is the simple and easiest way to strengthen your aura. Spend time in nature, go for walks with friends or family members when you’re feeling up-beat again! The natural world has strong positive energy that reflects positivity throughout our environment so imagine yourself walking barefoot through lush vegetation where everything seems bound by trees. With the sounds of chirping birds among rustling leaves on branches high above your head.
Walk barefoot in such places because the root chakra, which is located at the end of your spine and which connects you to the earth, gives you a feeling of safety and protection when it is energetically strong.
3. Spend some time alone. This will help make your energy fields strong. Avoid shouting and getting angry, as this makes your aura weak. Learn to let go. Understand to let go of wants and desires and instead be open to receive whatever is meant for you.
4. Soak your feet (or body) in bath salts. This will help you wash away negativity from your aura and cleanse your energy fields by grounding all excess energy which is not useful for you. Swimming in the sea or ocean or soaking yourself in a salt water bath helps cleanse aura and draw out stress from the body.
5. Stay away from electromagnetic fields. Keep your distance from TV, phones, microwaves, and computers. Instead speak with friends, read, meditate in nature…
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