When we bring home a set of Tarot Cards from the store, in and of themselves there is nothing magical about them. They need to be cleared or cleansed; or…
It is the Major Arcana that is considered the heart of the tarot deck. They are also known as the Trump Cards. There are 22 Cards that make up this…
Tarot, as we know it now, was invented sometime in the middle 15th century in Italy. It closely mirrored the playing cards of the day. Some believe that people had…
The suits of Cups in a Tarot deck are correlated to suits of hearts in regular playing Cards. They are also identified as Vessels, Cauldrons, Goblets or Chalices depending on…
Professionals have their regulatory bodies and codes of practice, but individuals involved in mystical work are often self taught. This can leave them feeling they are in something of…
Aromatherapy refers to the use of essential oils that have Aromatherapy can also be used simply for pleasure, to help improve your mood or to reduce your stress. The essential…
Aromatherapy refers to the use of essential oils that have Aromatherapy can also be used simply for pleasure, to help improve your mood or to reduce your stress. The essential…
Pentacles are the suit in the Tarot Deck that relates to Diamonds in playing cards. Depending on the tarot deck they are also called Discs, Cash or Gold. The suit…
Although many people go to a Tarot reader for advice on problems ranging from relationships to career to wellbeing, most people find it difficult to imagine doing the actual reading…
Things have come a long way since my youth when readings were frequently done by mysterious old women in secluded booths, masked by beaded curtains. Divination of all forms and…